show us what you've got...
Published on May 2, 2009 By sydneysiders In WinCustomize Talk's heading for May 3rd here in a few hours....and no thread....

so..I thought I'd bare my desktop....and start the month with...Naked... 

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 02, 2009

Yes, Curtis! Very.....Zingy!

Love that skin.....looks great with "Zing! Extreme" (Winstep Theme) by WebGizmos. 

on May 02, 2009


this is mine this month


WindowBlind: Light Mark 
Wallpaper: Q's Nexus Cataclysm 
Rightclick: Black & Gold 
Cursor FX: Gear 
Rainlendar: Raven 
Weather: adni18_5_days_weather 
Dock Icons: Oxidized 
Docks: V2 Tabs
on May 02, 2009

syd, is that the naked dock? If so, uncheck the Stretch Background Proportionally box. Or, open the ini and set that lines value to 0. I leave it in there because some folks run the dock small and it helps out, but at that size, you get better detail with it off.

yep..its is...

unchecked now....thanks for the tip mess....

on May 02, 2009

on May 02, 2009

unchecked now....thanks for the tip mess....


on May 02, 2009

Great shots everyone, Po, that one suits you particularly. Curtispimpinator, Mimbin bringin home the goods. RickjJP, steady as usual, Lantec, very sleek mate, Karen, colorful as always, Karmat, nice curves, Doc, keepin it minimal.. fuzzy... umm... nice?  


and Syd.. naked... gotta say... I like the look.


Munkeh.. get to work 

on May 03, 2009

Jawndo! Haven't seen that one in a while!

on May 03, 2009

Vista To A Mac
Image Is Loading

on May 03, 2009

Great shot everyone !

on May 03, 2009

I'm still in the Light Mark universe!

on May 03, 2009

I did a few major tweaks to my 3 monitor desktop this week!  The bottom version contains notes on each of the programs and artists that made this all possible.  Enjoy!  


May 2009 Desktop

on May 03, 2009

...But oh how fickle I can be!

on May 03, 2009

on May 03, 2009

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This one is for Wolvie and Darkfussioon......Edit...I tried from Imageshack, not a chnace could I get this to work, it used to be so simple, is it me or what Ha ha ha Ha I must have drank a thick pill or something.....but to everyone else, there is some amazing talent here, some fantastic SS's, can't wait for Naked to be released, Whooooeeeee that baby is gonna be a visual stunner....bye the Thug

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