Spring well underway here....warming up nicely for a lovely hot summer.....
but not to forget our friends in the northern hemisphere......
oh...that was cruel...
WB = Tinted by Mirsguy (with a texture by Me)OD zoomer = Rounder 2 by DanDaBear (Me)OD Tabs = Intrigue Tab2 by WebGizmosWP = DigitalWires004 by DanDaBear (Me)Clock Widget made by DanDaBear (Me)
Cool looking texture for that wb there ID.
WB: The awesome 'Ambrosia' Master WB by Kitty - [LINK]Sysmetrix: 'Ambrosia' by Kitty - [unreleased]Wallpaper: 'Last remnant of a dying breed' by KennethFaitclough - [LINK]WinAmp: cPro Colors by Veroka - [LINK]RightClick: Sektor by me [unreleased]
[quote who="Shelbygt_the_Car~!" reply="47" id="2429531"]Cool looking texture for that wb there ID.[/quote]
It's not really the texture that makes it look cool. Subsecret makes pretty much all textures look like they were made for that skin... Just brilliant.
A mix of Fire and Xaphire ...
How could my desktop not be tinted? Same texture I used for the ozone-shot of last month. It just seems to stick around no matter what I do with the skins.
Unos de mis favoritos, unas de las pieles mas preciosas.
Windows 7 and Wincustomize ................... What A Pair
Kind of the same as last week but Still make me feel good
More Info: http://jukeboxaudio.deviantart.com/art/Desktop-05-11-2009-142466915
Had a minute to decorate, so figured I'd post
[edit] been a while since I've posted a pic, forgot how lol
Otro de mis favoritos Precision