Spring well underway here....warming up nicely for a lovely hot summer.....
but not to forget our friends in the northern hemisphere......
oh...that was cruel...
tasty looking shot there sydney
My desktop's been Sabotaged!
thanks...teddy started me talking about food in another thread last night....& that's what my desktop ended up looking like last night
Love the feathers Rick...was it a dove or pigeon?
What are those striped things sydney? That really is a gorgeous desktop!!!
Love the depth in your shot, Karen and the b&w!!!!
just kinda candy canes...
Have been playing around with Cool Text Logo Design site here making Text png's for objectdock check it out.
Oh, cool! That's the hot tip of the day! Thanks.
K R O ME WB with Pinchecl's super new IP 'Shine 2IP'
My WindowBlinds went screwy on me, and I'm having to use the default W7 Aero.
But the Cosmos IP and the "Explore" wall by V, along with the tinted widgets are helping me limp along until Stardock Support can help me find a solution!
Awesome match on Krome